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Fornite’s new update sucks

So Fortnite recent update made the game suck.

The game overall had way to many updates at the same time and most of them suck. It's barelly enjoyable anymore because of the many things you have be sure of. Combined the overload of NPC's.

To start with as first is that the NPC's are everywhere, but like EVERYWHERE. The worst part is that they dont even look like the regular NPC's like before the update. They dont have the blue glitching filter they used to have. They are exact look-a-likes of normal players. And the worst part is is that the white suited NPC is a skin thats at the moment available in the shop. Pretty pay to win if you ask me. Not to fortget is that they attack you for no reason. There are more of these aggressive NPC but those dont spawn all over town. Not talking about one town… no every town has a overdosis of these rats.

Second thing about the update is that you heal way to quickly. Makes the fights pretty hard when someone is constandly healing the second you dont shoot him. I also dont understand anything of the whole heat level system, if thats even about healing. A quick explaination would be handy..

The stuff that irritated me the most is that non of my bullets hit the other players. Like NON. Dont get me wrong im not a bad player and my aim is alright. But i get like half of the kills i used to get before the update. Mabye this is just my internet connection or a matter of me being unlucky right now but it sure as hell was remarkable.

Hope Fortnite does somehting about this. Playing Fortnite is just ass after this whole new update.

…peace out!


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