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Gwent: Why It’s Not Fun Anymore, and Why I’m Leaving

witcher gwent cards

Yes lads, after playing religiously since Android launch and spending a couple hundred dollars on cards, boards, journeys, and cosmetics, I've decided today to delete the game and move on after my last matches this evening.

To put it simply, this game has become steadily less and less playable with every subsequent release. Contrary to the dev's comments, insane and broken cards and combos do the opposite of making the game fun to play – they make it insufferably aggravating to sit on your side of the board and watch an 80 point play go down when you're powerless to stop it. Every time a 40 point Melusine behind a defender is played, every time your top three cards are milled, every time a Raffard's Vengeance is zealed, every time a Wandering Priestess plays for 30 points per turn, every time a Kelltulis gets resurrected with a Ciri Dash right next to it, this game makes you want to throw your computer against a wall. Having some binary strategy go down without ANY ability to triage your match and maybe come back at the end makes it pointless to continue playing the second you see a play come down without an answer in your hand.

It wasn't always like this – it used to be that whether you were playing Ball decks, or NR Witchers, or Deathwish, or SK Warriors (after the skomegalul nerfs of course), the top cards were balanced enough relative to the rest of them that all was not lost if you weren't able to play around your opponent's top end. You could survive a round against Harold if you had the right assimilate combo. Symbiosis could stand it's ground against a long round 3 Ball list, and NR Witchers could outpoint a last say Gord if the sequencing was right.

The devs disparaged "perfectly balanced chess matches", and yet having a more even playing field made EVERYTHING about the game more interesting – from the decisions you made in the deckbuilder to eke out an extra point or two, to the matches themselves when you were fighting over the final 3 or 4 points to decide who played more masterfully.

Sitting in a round today, and watching a mill player bust out a 20 point Ring while milling 6 carss in a round, or sitting back and watching an NR player bust out a third Wandering Priestess and dunking on you for 40+ points AFTER YOU ALREADY CONTROLLED THE FIRST TWO isn't fun. It sucks. It fucking sucks.

And as sad and sorry as I am to say it, Gwent as a whole sucks now. It's not smart, it's not fun, it's not worth my time. So after being disappointed yet again with the latest release, I'm putting this shit down and finding something else to do with my free time. Normally, I wouldn't even bother with a rant, but the last games I played today really pissed me off, and I know I'm hardly the only one.

Best of luck to you all.


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