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‘Harmless’ massacre mission… Deadly, Master and Elite enemies…

I started playing ED a couple of weeks ago now and I've poured every spare hour of my gaming time into it…

I really love the game but it seems to be fighting me at every turn.

I spent about 6m (I know that isn't a lot of money, but it kinda is to me) of my hard earned exploration credits on kitting out a new Viper Mk IV.

  • This is my exact build.

I wanted to get into doing assassination/massacre missions and collecting bounties etc, so I accepted a load of massacre missions which were all 'harmless' or thereabout in rank. I get to the conflict zones where my targets are and most of them are, as the title says, Elite, Master or Deadly…

I seem to be able to survive, but my damage is piss weak and the only kills I've managed to score have been against the odd 'competent' target that appears every now and again…

It's getting really frustrating at this point.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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