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Highland warlord increases damage for the rest of the game.

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

Yes I just played a few games against multiple highland warlords and think it’s a great card for skellige and fits the themes that its decks and use however a key thing about the card is the “rest of the game”. it’s strong. It turns cards with a 6-8 point advantage to a 10-12 and this 4 point increase is seen with every card that takes the fun out of playing entire deck archetypes. It’s purely a deck made for ladder or point checking the opponent. I think a change from permanent point increases across the board should be changed to a deploy and order combo of temporary increasing the tactic damage and having an additional order ability to further increase the tactic damage such as “increase the next tactic played by [1]” with the [] increasing with each warlord played. And an order ability of keeping that increase for the following tactic “order: the next tactic damage is increased by [1]”. This changes the card to be more engaging than slamming the card down and spamming tactics and also gives the ability to counter play.

Another change could be increasing the tactic damage when the card is on field or in graveyard which allows the opponent to counter the card.


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