Hit the road satisfying moment

Me and this Random person were the only ones playing hit the road and nobody else joined in the five minute time, I didn’t want to abandon him so I decided to actually help them out.

He died twice, that’s fine. I think the husks were a little bit overpowered for him, he was probably under leveled trying to look for others to complete it.

For me I play hit the road on a daily basis. (Because it some good BP XP.) we get to the last point, we had no traps, my materials were getting low, but we have defended it so far so good, then he dies.

I had to survive 4 minutes by myself with a barrage of flingers.

The mini boss was trap vulnerable, nearly everything was at my disadvantage.

But I did it.

70 percent health left to the truck.

I had so much fun. It was hell but I had fun.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/wcd2yc/hit_the_road_satisfying_moment/

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