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How can they nerf BKB because it’s too good, but leave Jugg spin as it is?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

I honestly don't understand how that spell still exists, not only does it not disarm him with shard…

It does 500+ magic damage at level 1, in an AOE… and gives him BKB effect… for 6 seconds.. every 18 seconds.

Like laning is fine. Laning phase you can deal with it, kite it, tank it whatever.

But once the mid-game fights start happening the hero feels like:

> Runs at you at 520 movement speed with just phase boots.

> Spins for first 6 seconds of the fight, as an agi carrry with 30+ armour, so 60% phys resistance, 100% magic resistance, 900 magic damage nuke for touching him.

> 6 seconds is over, now ultis for the next 6 seconds. This is 100% immunity to everytihng.

> Second ultis for 2 seconds…

> Puts down ward that heals for 5% hp, and runs away again at 520 move speed.

So the entire 12 second interaction with this hero he is either 100% immune to everything, or 100% immune to magic, or moving away at 520 movement speed and healing 5% per second.

The biggest problem though is the spin.

Either it should:

– Slow him down so it needs to be paired with a stun/slow to be effective.

– Give magic damage immunity but not spell immunity so he can still be stunned, he just wont take damage.

– Remove the shard so that it properly disarms him when he is spinning

– Give it a 0.5 second cast point so he 'spins up' for a second and is vulnerable to timing attacks/being stunned during the spin up.


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