Do you prefer to play solo or squad? Or are you forced to play one way or another? Lets hear a story? I usually play with a discord of active people so the lobby is always full and depending on who i play with changes how we play… Full chad or…. Loot goblins
My question is how does playing with others affect you? are a few things i noticed:
I now spend 30 minutes between raids waiting for teammates to sort their shit out again i can usually scav reserve before they are ready again…. What takes so long!?!?!
I get a lot more loot back on insurance
Labs Loot theft!
Confidence to engage combat has sky rocketed – Gear fear is slowly disappearing
Team Kill ratio – Whoops
My Rubel count is like a hormonal teenager
Questing is smoother
Pistol / Hatchet runs as a group is much more fun than full chad
While i do enjoy playing solo and finding my own path in each raid there is nothing better then splashing rounds at someone from a distance suppressing an enemy into cowarding while you watch your squad rush in there and finish them off or 5 man hatchet charging a PMC in hopes at least 1 of you survive heart @ 180 BPM with nothing but your big balls in your hands and a graphics card in your ass
I love my team and regardless of anything i love the memories this game gives, however you play i hope you enjoy it but if you have a story you'd like to share im happy to hear!