How do you tackle your second save after lessons from your first play through?

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Spent about 100 hours in our first world, but we ended up cheesing iron a bit , and I would sometimes also spawn in some resources if I was in a bind (normally multiple stone cutters!)

I absolutely adore the game, and now with Valheim plus, it’s even better. I’m excited all over again.

This time around I want to build more cosy and natural builds. I made a mega square castle as our main hub and while it served its purpose as a ‘crafting airport terminal’ it was kinda ugly and not on brand when compared to a lot of amazing builds here.

The best part of the game for me was meadows and Black Forest. So I’m gonna enjoy that again, make some nice paths and beautify the place up – the new seed has some staggering open green fields and lakes with Black Forest overlooks.

Armed with the knowledge of what we need right away, and space considerations in pumped to make that first base over again, this time it’ll be less Age of Empires 2 and more hobbit!

After your first mega play through how do you guys tackle a fresh world?


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