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How i reached immortal from herald 5 in a 8 months playing at 5 pos

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

It was a not hard after 5+ years of not playing dota. In fact I started to play at may 2022 on mid lane at 3300 mmr and in jule I had 1600 mmr 'cause of tiltingaggression and so forth.

Started from jule 2022 I decided to switch to 5 position and choose main hero as dazzle, its the best sup ever with 1 spell 'cause foes do not understand or foes do not understand before u'll reached 4k mmr+ otherwise it's free mmr. The only thing u need its to destroy 4 and after it u can destroy 3 foe pos and it will be free farm for carry.

Starting from 3500-4000 mmr the foes goes smart and do not let u kill him just clicking, from this level u need turn on ur brains )

The second part I learned – how to set wards. The 60% games depends of how u destroyed lane (with dazzle 1 spell) , the remain 40% – how u set wards. Just watch my replays I guess or watch some youtube guides. Use courier to deward and buy all obs + sentries.

Short overview from 1500 to 5600

1500-3000 – easy dazzle spam 1 spell

3000-3200 hard barrier of people. I went to 3300 and fell down to 2800 and so several times

3200-3800 easy up

3800-4200 the main very hard barrier

4200-4800 easy up

4800-5200 the very very hard barrier which I stuck about 3 months.

After 5200+ it was easy, literally some days.

Lets talk about behaviour score) From 3800 to 5500 I upped my mmr with 1800-3000 behaviour. I presume its a myth where u have some ruiners, low behaviour and etc. I do not imply that they doesn't exists, but its not a block for u.

Now my behaviour 4800 and I'm willing to improve it to 10k back.

When u pick Dazzle u need to ban axe, cause carry do not understand how to play vs it ( in 1500-4800), axe its not a block for axe, the farmed axe is a block) I have 80% winrate vs axe cause I know how to destroy him and 20% loses cause my 1 pos decided to pick am or so forth )

I found this heroes for best 5 pos: dazzle, jakiro – tier 1. Disruptor, wd, warlock – tier 2.

my dotabuff for proof is here


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