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I am back once again to say that Woods is absolutely cracked this wipe. I mean, literally busted.

This is attempt number 3,126 to spread the Good Word of us Woods mains to you, the general, Woods-hating populace of r/EFT. I have converted all of my Bois, who used to be die-hard Customs mains that hated Woods, so trust me–I can convert most of y'all too. Ever since the dynamic loot system dropped, the map has been insane for loot. Certain big ticket items like GPUs and LEDx are hard to come by still outside of stashes, but for consistent income with minimal risk, there is no better map. This was true last wipe, but it seems even truer this wipe, ESPECIALLY now that the AK platform is meta. As someone with probably 1,000+ raids in Woods at this point, here are my top 3 favorite, lesser-hit spots to loot on the map, so that you can get to loving Woods as well:

  1. Weapon parts cabin, on the West side of mill near to Shturman's tent with the flash drive spawn. Not only does the table inside have 4-5 weapon parts and rations spawns, but if you are leaving the cabin, on the left side by the stacked wooden crates is an insane amount of high tier AK and rifle ammo. For example, I just found 360 rounds of BS (120×3), 30 rounds of BT, 30 rounds of SNB, the Leupold delta scope, PNV-10T night vision and the new plum colored rifle scope (basically 500k+ of value). All on the same spot, as a scav, in a single raid. Yesterday I got 90 rounds igolnik, 30 rounds BS and 30 rounds BT, as well as scopes from the same spot as a PMC. It's beyond busted; prioritize this spot and you will never want for AK ammo or a decent sight ever again. (I'm not just picking out some lucky runs either–this spot for whatever reason is spawning high tier ammo in abundance. I have 59 raids total, and despite using AKs somewhat often, I still have stockpiled 180 igolnik (lost a bunch yesterday like a dingus), 750 BS, 400 BT, and 650 BP pretty much just from this spot and a handful of other lucky finds.
  2. The scav sniper bed and bunker on mountain stash. This spot is the reason I have <60 raids right now and four bronze lions. If you drop down to the bed from the main mountain stash, it makes for a fantastic loot route. On the bed itself there are decent ammo and ration spawns, sometimes gold chains; on the boxes behind the bed there are wooden clocks, cats, lions, neck chains, rolers, gold skulls, bitcoin, GP, veritas etc. I usually find at least 2-3 nice loot items like this when checking. Similarly, the bunker can spawn up to 5-6 different expensive loots like that, I even have a screenshot from the first or second day of this wipe when the bunker had 4 gold chains and a prokill medallion in one raid. Don't forget to pay sniper scav a visit if you think he has a decent weapon.
  3. The abandoned village in the far north of the map is highly underrated. There are four lootable buildings, two with rations/barter spawns and one with military. I sometimes find moonshine in these houses or on the small rations table outside of the one furthest northwest; almost always find good ammo and sugar. The lone house on the lake shore heading back to mill area has a stash and also some barter loot spawns for neck chains, ravens etc. From that house you can jump up on the rocks to get into the sunken church tower… this has 3-4 spawns for gold skull, bit coin, neck chain, etc. Be sure to check very closely while in there as it's dark and they can spawn on the bench behind you. To leave you need to crouch walk and look down, then run off the rocks in the opposite way you came. This is also a great place from which to continue a stash run, since there are multiple on the way either to village, mountain stash or USEC area.


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