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I am quitting Dota forever

Mod Skin Dota 2

I started playing this game back in 2010, The DotA mod in WC3. back then it was actually fun to play. I did not care much about winning or losing, there was no actual rewards. It was just fun to try different combos and enjoy a match. Everything was fine as long as you did not get banned from the high level rooms in Garena Launcher.
Fast forward to Dota 2, I was here since the beta, the era before reborn, every new hero launching, I never missed a dota 2 event. I am currently at ancient 2 rank.
recently I've been feeling this negativity from the game. The devs don't care anymore. there is no actual reward for playing other than getting a bit more mmr. matches are no longer fun. Every match I play I just meet up with people who are toxic even during the picking phase. My conduct summary is 10,000 and I thought that should match me with decent players, but no. That is just a meaningless number on my account. Every dota player now does not play to win, or at least who I match with. I never tilt in a game and I don't respond to toxic people, I just communicate match-related things, like "missing", "let's gank this guy", "my bkb is not ready yet", etc.. I try to focus on the match and I always have the good spirit of encouraging my teammates even if I know they actually suck, because let's be real, you don't expect everyone to do the exact same thing that you think is right every time. Even pro players mess up a lot in important matches.
But the problem is the mentality of the players I usually get matched with. Everyone is 100% focused on flaming others, even if we are winning. Today we were 11 – 0 at min 10 and the carry, who had a free lane, kept complaining for no reason, and he went to farm jungle for about 30 minutes and did not even buy a bkb vs tinker and silencer. I don't care about his itemization, I am just angry that everyone started flaming and ruined a very easy game.
My life has enough problems already whether it be at work, with friends, or with family. I play about 3 – 4 hours every day to chill and have fun, but Dota 2 is just not fun anymore, it is a community of toxic individuals waiting to flame each other, and I am just tired, I want to be happy and enjoy gaming, but this game is not letting me. Even the games I win are not enjoyable anymore, they are just a toxicity fest, ending with the player with the most kills saying something like "I carried these idiots, report that guy he sucks" or something similar.
I've been feeling this way about dota for about a year now and I think I gave this game enough chances. The number of players that keeps on dropping everyday confirms my theorey. This game lost its fun factor, developers do not care about average players, the entire focus is the 40 million dollars TI and the pro circuit. And even those are treated with carelessness from Valve and I guess we saw that many times especially this year with small teams, some casters, and the infamous fake crowd noises.
All I want to say, I want my gaming time to make me a bit happier, but Dota just makes me angrier and more depressed, it is just not fun anymore.
If you feel like me just stop playing. It is just a game and it is not worth it, play something that makes you have fun and enjoy yourself, that is the point of gaming after all.

Note: excuse my typos/mistakes, I am not in the mood to proofread.


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