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I have become the very thing I sought to destroy.

A few wipes ago, I was introduced to tarkov by YouTubers like AquaFPS and general Sam. I was a lonely single player, having no one to play with.

And so for 2 long wipes I learned the intricacies of the suffering simulator we know as tarkov. I had been tought to play with honor, and respect those I face. As a matter of course I had learned to fear and hate the chad.

That was, until this wipe. I had progressed decently into the task tree and traders when I realized the game was not fun anymore. I recently came back to the game, and progressed further into the tasks.

Yesterday I started punisher part 4, and I despaired. I am not able to compete with nor fund a determined fight against a meta chad. And so I picked up my trusty flechette shotgun, and turned to the dark side.

I extract camped.

My first raid, no one came. Second was the same. But the third. The third decided to give me a meta chad, TV-110, Airframe, Raid backpack. And as he ran to the extract I pumped shell after shell down range. And he died. I scampered over and picked up all of his loot, then extracted.

In my barren hideout I beheld a rare sight. Meta gear. He had a SR-25 and a P90, three mags of SS190 and five of M62. And so I kept on, succeeding, killing, occasionally dying, as I turned into the very thing I had sworn to destroy.

An extract camper.


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