Dota has many problems. Inconsistent content schedule. RnG Lootboxes in 2023. Plagued with smurfs. We have to pay for Remodels which are exclusive on top of it and so on and so on.
I often tend to point these issues out as well, and was sure that we are the biggest crybabies on the internet for always complaining about these things. But looking at how the League community is reacting to the latest LoL trailer made me speechless. Yes, it's worse than the trailer in previous years, but people are actually QUITTING League over a trailer. Say that they are extremely disappointed. Say that League is on maintenance mode and they bankrupt. That they no longer care about its players and the community. Even insult the game developers. Honestly, they don't even know what they have over there. Devs that are always communicating with its players, all the Trailers, Music, Art, Community Events and i don't know what. Hell, we did not even have an Opening for the last International. We have not seen a developer talking about development of Dota once. The last official non-event trailer we had for Dota was when it came out. We got one single new Hero in 2022 while League got freaking 5.
Honestly just thanks to the League community. Now i can rest assured that we are no longer the biggest crybabies on the internet.