I just watched 2 hours of “STW for beginners” videos and still have no idea how to play the game

I started playing a few days ago and found everything really confusing, i was running out of ammo, had no idea what all the different missions really are, and all the systems with choosing and upgrading characters and weapons… so i wanted to find a video where somebody explains it, but no, it's all just an info dump of "there are these types of weapons", "these are all the different things you can upgrade and research" etc. Like 90% of the info i can just go into the game and read. Not telling me how to play it in any way or letting me know how things work or basic gameplay tips…

It's like I want to bake something for the first time and all the recipes are just trivia about the ingredients with 0 isntructiuons on how to do anything. So fking frustrating. I guess you cant play this game without having a friend who knows what to do. I've played fortnite BR and like 500 other games but this is so confusing and the beginner guides are the worst

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/FORTnITE/comments/xg3nho/i_just_watched_2_hours_of_stw_for_beginners/

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