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I love this game, but the stress it puts me through…

New Valheim update

I’m playing through the game for the 4th or so time now, just came back to it after being gone for 8 months. Wanted to experience the game from the beginning with all the knew things.

I got to the swamp a few days ago… and uhhh as of the swamp wasn’t the most annoying place in the game already, they added the Abomination to it? Okay… stay away from them, shoot fire arrows. Got it.

Today I go and collect my Iron from a swamp that is higher than average distance away from staring spawn than normal, but w/e. I decide to try the cart on a longboat method to transport double the amount of iron because I don’t want to make this boat trip more than twice (there and back).

Hours later I’m leaving and I notice my boat is lopsided…. Haha that’s cool that the actual weight is the cart comes into play… as I’m sailing away an abomination pops out is the WATER… what? Right as my boat gets stuck, because you know weight. At this point I’m just thinking I’m going to die and have to come back with a Karve to get back to my boat from my portal back there… I jump out with my Finewood bow and fire arrows and pray I can kill it… a few seconds later a 1 star Troll shows up. I previously had these two duke it out once prior so I try and lure the Troll to the Abom and at that moment I just decide to make a break for my boat and get it unstuck and sail away…

I made it away… and sail for a few minutes and turn to my wife and say. Man after that I hope I don’t run into my first serpant… well I did… but luckily I just sailed passed it and I’m currently arriving at home as I type this….



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