I was originally a 1.5K MMR Dota 2 Player that did fun crap like LC Iron Talon Jungle, Tree Stalking Pudge, Picking Riki 0.1 Seconds into selection and Necro Ancient Jungle. It was good all fun times where no one reports for your wacky builds (You get Trash talked though if that wacky build fails).
I took a 2 Year Break after getting to Ancient 5 and Now after getting back into the game (Legend 5 now). Games are super fast paced that back in my day, People would call the play a bit too try hard. There's a lot of Crybabies where they would legit throw because they didn't like what happened even if we're winning!
I hate my MMR now and stick to just turbo but now for some reason I'm going up against Divines according to Dota Buff and checking Profiles, I really am going up against Divines! My Turbo are sweaty af.
I wish I can go back to a MMR Bracket where no one really cares if they win.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/xccru7/i_miss_my_good_all_2k_mmr_days_sea_player/