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I’m tired of facing NG Mill because it has become predictable, boring and not satisfying to win against.

witcher triss merigold gwint

Got into Pro Rank at the beginning of the season with Pirates and the number of opponents running NG Mill exponentially increased. It was annoying at first because getting milled and just watching your cards disappear feels bad but you eventually learn the gimmick and adapt. Let them mill/banish, never pass and avoid using tutors, let Yen take Crach or bait it with Defender. Tibor, Kolgrim and Imp Golem are their only power cards and are less effect in R2. No matter the leader ability, if I see NG 9 times out of 10 it's gonna be mill and I'm gonna win. But it's not an easy win or a hard win. It's an exhaustive win where I have to play a certain type of way and my opponent plays like it's a real fight then realizes in R2 that I'm gonna keep pushing and I don't care I'm being milled then forfeit at the last two cards. I still have to be smart about my plays, you can't play brain dead.

Mill feels like it relies on your opponent being frustrated about losing their cards and deck synergy and not knowing what to do. I feel like it insults my intelligence but I still play to win so they don't get the satisfaction of getting one over on me. I don't feel this way about any other deck, which is why I felt the need to share my thoughts. NG assimilate, tactics and soldiers are more difficult to beat but I rarely see them. It feels like it's works more often than not so that's why I keep seeing it.

It could just be that my deck is strong against Mill


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