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“Impostors” is impossible to actually enjoy if you get the role of the impostor.

It was always a problem in this mode for me, but now it has come too far and I need to vent this out: Impostors is not enjoyable if you get the role of the impostor.

There have been multiple times where if I kill someone and NO ONE is around I still get voted because they say "It's number #" and they don't give you an actual reason. It's pretty clear that a lot of players, especially kids, are in a group together and they say the number of the impostor to each other every time they get killed. This happened to me litterally 5 minutes ago. I killed a player, no one was around me (I checked EVERY corner) and then I used the players teleport sabotage so I could get out of the area more easily without being noticed. Guess what? Litterally seconds later, a person touches the "dead body" of the player that I killed and they say "It's number 3" without any proof and everyone votes me. If it happened in a really few occasions I would get it. They were lucky or they actually cheated, but it would be rare. But no. If I get impostor in 3 games, I get accused for no reason in at least 1 of them. And IT'S ALWAYS KIDS.
I am SO TIRED of this. I would love to enjoy this mode but I can't. I FUCKING CAN'T.

Sorry, I had to vent this out. I suggest Epic to make a matchmaking mode with just single players. It would be much better.


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