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Is anyone else having abysmal Diretide winrate?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Due to medical problems, I'm stuck in my room and yesterday I went full crazy mode and played like 25 Diretide games. And the end score was 5 wins 20 losses. In fact, entire last week was somewhat brutal with me winning about 30% of Diretide games.

Now, before you say anything, my performance isn't impacted by my medical issue and I'm not playing any unfamiliar heroes, but somehow, every game we either have 5 supports or one guy who farms with snowball for 10 minutes while enemies are doing some TI epic coordination moves and putting candies in two wells simultaneously.

Not to mention people who are afk for first 5 minutes and who come back asking "why didn't you pause?"

Even if I see a carry in my team, it's usually a guy who never played the hero before, so he goes blink on Faceless void.

I'm not being toxic or anything, it's just funny how yesterday I played Diretide for like 9 hours and only unlocked one chest on the cavern map. 😀

Hope you're doing better than me, lol


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