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Is CM the perfect pub pos 5?

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero phantom lancer

  • Doesn't need items to be useful, but still benefits greatly from them
  • Can solo kill popular pub glass cannons like PA and Sniper
  • Mana regen (pubs more likely to have players with poor mana management that don't ferry clarities)
  • Solid wave clear. Pubs don't prioritize clearing waves which is essential for vision and map control.
  • Very strong in kill lanes. Nova secures ranged creep. Can jungle while giving carry solo XP with W. Etc…
  • If your carries suck, and you have the opportunity to get farm, you can become a carry with the right talents.

Obviously, CM is not the perfect pos 5. But I think that in pubs (especially lower tiers) she's maybe the best pos 5. Not necessarily because she's the perfect hero. But because she's so adaptable that she can pick up on most tasks that are likely to be neglected in a pub match such as pushing, initiation, ganking, all while not requiring items to perform those tasks.

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