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“Is it just me or…?” (AX-seaponry question)

Hello everyone.

I have a simple question regarding AX-weaponry.
As the Third Thargoid War unfolds itself and speeds up – I, like many of you, blew off the dust from my own AX-Krait MK2 and started adding something to the whole action…

First, I have four size 2 Guardian Gauss cannons installed – but I found that it is VERY difficult for me to catch the moment the shot fly off. Regardless on parameters of both "regular" or Salvation Gausses – I simply cannot catch the moment… And I am curious – is it my own and only disfunction or there are any other unlucky Commanders too? 😉

Right now I am using a pair of size 1 shard cannons and a pair of size 1 plasma chargers (cannot afford size 2 weapons because I simple didn't get required materials in time…). Plasma is good against scouts and shards is good…. Hell, everything is good against thargoid _put anything here_, I think!

So, in short:
1) Are gauss cannons (both variants) worth "breaking" own arms to get used to them?
2) Are you using a mix of weaponry (if so – what is your configuration at the moment, please?) or you prefer to fill slots with one type of Guardian weaponry (all-Plasma, all-Shards or all-Gauss etc.)?
3) Feel free to share the configuration of your AX-ship – I think it will be interesting.


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