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is LC the most useless hero in the game?

Mod Skin Dota 2

Before you attacking me just wanted to clarify this comes from my 200 match lc experience in 4.5k bracket
First of all this hero doesn't seem belong to any role u might believe she is an offlaner but offlane heroes either have a strong laning and farm power with a decent initiate power or they are some independent heroes that can become a monster and dominate the team fights once they reach their power spike while LC has none of them . Has a weak initiate with blink dagger weak laning phase terrible farming and pushing power and extremely attached to her team especially supports. she can't get a single duel kill before her blink dagger and blade mail which takes at least 17 minutes to buy while some offlaners only neeed a single vangaurd to own the enemy team
The second reason why i believe this hero is usless is because she literally gets countered with almost 70% of heroes and 40% of items ( e blade , linken , basher , aoen disk, butterfly, wind walker abyssal satanic and a lot more) meanwhile there is a hero like enigma that his black hole literally has 0 item to counter and not to mention there are heroes like snap fire,pudge and slark who can simply cancel the duel by their shards and aghas
So yeah these are almost all of my thoughts about this hero let me know yours and btw sorry for the bad English not my native language


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