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Is mining dead?


after the uprising of LTD3 I have to admit I was there too, with my Type 7, happily lasering the 'rhoids away and making a ton of money. I then proceeded to drop Elite just about when the nerf happened. I recently picked it up again. With a few hundred millions left I tried to get my foot in the door again at mining. I done some research and noticed: Core mining is where it is at right now!

I tried and tested and tried my mindset on the matter at last in a double alexandrite spot, overlapping atleast 50%.
I been there and gave up after 4 hours or so, having gotten measly around 40-ish Alexandrite and some other metal. Sold it at a half decent price and maybe gotten around 20-30 Mil from it.

I could easily top that doing bounty hunting or missions where you have to kill x ships of x faction. I could easily take my Type-9 and look on the generic databases sorting the most profitable trade routed and probably don't even have to jump any system, just hauling between station nets me solid millions easily.

Is it me or is it just not worth it at all? I had my fair share of fun mining but when it is just not even worth the effort… why even bother?


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