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Is my “Last Imposter Standing” strategy good?

Here, let me break it down for you guys.

When I'm playing on a 2 Imposters server, and keep in mind I only play on 2 Imposter servers, if I'm the only imposter remaining and there are 3 crewmates left, I'll kill one of them when no one else is around, and then I'll pull a sabotage that's on the opposite side of where I killed that person so no attention is drawn to the body and kill a crewmate that's trying to prevent the sabotage. I'll give you some examples.

So if I'm on The Skeld, if I kill someone on the right side of the map, I'll pull the reactor sabotage and kill someone. But if I kill someone on the left side of the map, I'll pull the O2 sabotage and kill someone.

And on Polus, if I kill someone on the bottom of the map, I'll sabotage the Seismic Stabilizers and kill. And if I kill someone on the right side, I'll deactivate the lights and kill.

So how is my strategy? Good? Bad? Okay? Feel free to let me know. And if you want to, share a strategy that you use.

EDIT: Well, it turns out this is a very old strategy.


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