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Is there bots/alts galore in Gwent now?

Ciri Gwent witcher Game card

Probably not is likely the answer but here's why i have the clickbaity title because i am curious about this. I am not a completely new gwent fan but i have played it the past 2 years with about a half year break until now. My highest rank i got to was 11 and maybe i could have gone further back then but now i come back just as this new season starts and rank 22. So what is really surprising is when i come to play ranked thinking oh rank 22 will be no sweat and just a bit of casual fun but the last i say 4 or 5 back to back games have been this whole new Sihil and Aerondight sword meta strat and i beat probably half but they're all really samey like almost identical except the difference in faction sometime and the odd thing is i go to look at their accounts afterwards and they also all have nothing aesthetic wise on their profile and they all also have like no cards collected other than the strat they just used except this one that had every card in game and yet they all said highest rank 22 so i was wondering on the communities opinions or experience with this, i know people are hating the aerondight at the moment but i'm experiencing this Sihil boredom more than anything. I'll post a general picture of one these users to show you lot an example. This player was also using Skellige Arnold Sihil instead of his favourites monsters?


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