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just came back to dota 2 after 2 years and my god the state of the game is unplayable

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came back after friend suggested me to play the 10 games for the free acana, I quit in the past because NA east is just unplayable but figured whatever i have free time its only 10 games, I can just mute the peruvians, boy was I wrong.

note this is all at 10000 behaviour score on an account that had never been in low prio before all in ranked

1st game: one guy was so toxic he abandoned 5 min in, ok gg

2nd game: knew it was over when teammate pulled out the mid windrunner and support io, no shackle shot was landed the entire game and io went 0-13, but this is just people having bad games, understandable

3rd game: honestly back and forth game, lost in the end because their mid snowballed out of control against our mid but decent game all things considered

4th game: stomp from our side

5th game: 1st pick hard support techies that decides hard support means carry and proceed to farm everything, mid typed "fuck techies" 20 min in and abandoned

6th game: another stomp from our side, but not before my mid went on a n word rampage during the middle of the game because I chased their mid I think?

7th game: another easy game from our side, carry dc'd for 10 minutes but came back, fortunately was too fed to lose at that point

8th game: 3 peruvians not speaking a word of english, 1st time support io who apparently doesn't understand how the hero work and went to jungle after feeding 1st blood, died to jungle and afkd, comes back every 3-4 min to move once so he doesn't get an abandon

so 8 games in, all at 10000 behaviour scores, 3 and a half included abandons, 2 included supports who just want to be carries 1 min in, 1 n word rampage, and maybe 40% of my teammates spoke english

i'm struggling to find the mental strength to finish the last 2 games, I expected it to be toxic, but how are you people even playing this game at this point? Are you all masochists?


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