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Just lost 15+ million to the money bug.

Was pretty sure when I started my raid I had 18 million, I loaded into customs killed a PMC who had just been to marked room and looted a weapon case, I put that case in my bag and extracted, I sold that case on the flea market and accepted the fee and went about my day moments later I opened the message to see that my weapon case had been sold so received all the money and noticed I was sitting on 3 million.

I closed my game thinking it was a sync error or something nope poof! gone! 15+million gone I had 36 stacks of 500k in a money case:

I was sure I didn't do a flea market blooper and list it for a stupid amount of money and get a massive fee, the fee would of only been 1 million anyway I just tested it.

So between my last raid and selling that weapon case I lost it.

Been reading some threads and they say BSG don't refund people's lost items or cash anymore… this really sucks it needs to be fixed already this bug has been around according to some posts I've seen, there may be others; since 2018.

Come on guys.


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