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Just tried a no-archery playthrough, it’s actually kind of nuts how every stage of the game relies on bows.

fictional character

I'm sure it's been done before, I wanted to try a playthrough using only melee (and spears only if absolutely needed).

Every single stage of the game sucked.

  • Early game: Hunting deer without ranged weapons is technically possible, but really not recommended.

    • Rating for melee-only: 2/10
  • Bronze stage: You can't really fight trolls without a bow (at least not before you crafted bronze weapons/armor and better food, etc) Whenever one would show up when I was trying to mine my first Copper, I had to spend several minutes just trying to kite it away. Even after I had bronze weapons it was still a struggle to not get one-shot in melee, seeing as how you can't parry him at that stage in the game. Not a very forgiving task, but at least it's possible. Also, the boss here, The Elder, is really weak to Fire, but attacking with a Torch is not a great time. I was able to melee him down, but you can tell the game fully expects you to be using Fire Arrows here.

    • Rating for melee-only: 4/10
  • Iron stage: Attacking leeches with melee is suicidal before you have poison resist pots, so that sucked. Equally suicidal is trying to fight Elite Draugr with mere bronze weapons, I died more than once just trying to get enough iron to get a better shield. Also, on the way back to my base, my boat was attacked by a Sea Serpent! Guess what I realized: You literally can't fight the Serpent without ranged.

    • Rating for melee-only: 3/10
  • Silver Stage: I resigned to crafting spears to fight the drakes because, again, you literally can't fight the Drakes without ranged. I crafted five spears. I subsequently lost four of them on the mountain, because if the Drake moves before the spear hits it, your spear sails ALL THE WAY DOWN THE MOUNTAIN. It was actually kind of hilarious to me how you are required to use ranged on the Drakes, and the Drakes are also the worst enemy in the game to use Spear throws on because it's the one place in the game where a missed spear throw means a lost spear. As for the boss, Moder, while I was able to kill her with melee-only, it took nearly two full days in-game on nonstop battle because she regens so much and you are clearly expected to be shooting her while she flies. It's actually a bit silly how the game makes it almost impossible to not use a bow here.

    • Rating for melee-only: 1/10
  • Plains stage: Fighting the Berserkers was like the trolls all over again. It's suicide to fight them in melee, even with decent armor on. Also! You have the new tar enemies called the Growths or whatever. Do not try to fight them in melee. I've never died so fast as being stuck in place and having three of them continue to stun me while hopping away whenever I tried to get close enough to him them.

    • Rating for melee-only: 2/10

I was able to kill Yagluth and complete the run, but man, I was not expecting it to be that hard. At literally every single stage of the game, you are punished over and over again for not using ranged. Also, to add insult to injury, in the middle of me doing this playthrough the game updated with the new Swamp armor… that makes bow players stronger. It actually made me laugh when I crafted it and looked at the set bonus.


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