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Large Expansions vs Small Card Drops

geralt tsirilla gwent the witcher card game gwen

So, I would like to hear your opinion on the current card release strategy and/or your opinion on the old system.

So I started to play during the way of the Witcher expansion, meaning that I haven't experienced any larger expansions or the "pre expansion release time". Since I started to play Gwent, only smaller card drops were released.

And I must say that I really don't like these small drops. I have the feeling that these few cards we get from time to time don't have that much impact on the game in total. Some cards of course do. But these cards are then completely overpowered and super bad for the balance.

I once had a look at the expansion specific sites on the Gwent webpage and yes, I was sad because I didn't experience those times. The amount of cards in those expansions, the overall themes, the new mechanics introduced… It just looked so cool and gives you a whole new experience to the game. I think such larger expansions are much more fun than the smaller card drops.

So what do you think? Do you like the current system? How was the experience back in the past when there were larger expansions?


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