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Leachers, AFKers and toxic players

If your a leach, AFKer, toxic br 5 year old who only plays STW for v-bucks, and useless lynx main this is for you:

Quit the game, uninstall the game, sell your console/PC and go outside and touch some grass. I’m speaking for everyone when I say GO OUTSIDE. It’s a game, it’s not supposed to be “babysitting simulator” and “do all the work while some lynx player farms the whole time and only moves when the AFK kick timer starts simulator” if anyone has a problem with what I said, you can get lost as well. Encouraging toxic behavior is JUST AS BAD as being toxic yourself.

This is also HUGELY epics fault. There needs to be a better ban system, some kind of vote kick, or something. And before you say “oh but that won’t work” Epic games is a 32 BILLION dollar company, there are no limits with that kind of money, and I’m sure someone can come up with a system that won’t be abused.

As if you couldn’t tell I’m VERY tilted rn. If your one of those types of players just stop it. Go on private, do some farming, go back to pubs and HELP WITH THE MISSION. Don’t play the game if you don’t want to play the game.


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