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Legendary Flux to unslot

I know I'm somewhat late to address this but why is legendary flux of all materials being used to unslot? I'm aware epic wants to make save the world less of pay to win but I don't think legendary flux should be used to unslot heroes as it is impossible to grind legendary flux, the only places we can get flux are the weekly shop and ventures as far as I know. It's super scarce and most players will be stuck to have to choose between unslotting heroes or recruiting a hero from the collection book and it is frustrating for players with little flux to have to wait for a whole week just to unslot a hero that they may end up putting back in the collection book. Personally I'd say you should use gold because gold is getting really easy to farm and I've seen a lot of players sit on gold not knowing what to do with it so why not give gold more uses. I'd suggest 300 gold to unslot a hero would be fine but I'll have to leave that for epic to decide.


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