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Lets talk about Bloodstone and how this item is taking over Dota!

Dota2 Mods

I wasn't here for the old Tinker/SS Bloodstone days, but since I came back to the game after my break this item has been taking over the game slowly.

6 months ago if you asked anyone this item was "nerfed to the ground" and only good on Lesh. suddenly it becomes good on razor who receives a small buff to shard and here comes Viper the toxic lizard!

meaning this item was never bad after the rework, but people are just starting to know how it works and don't expect it to work on the heroes it used to as it has a different purpose.

my personal take on the item is its amazing, pretty unbalanced but easily countered to be sorta garbage(so unbalanced on 2 sides, can make you unkillable, or have 0 effect) . OK I lied! not easily countered but if you spend money on a skadi and mage slayer as a carry, you don't mind the stats either way but also counter their cheaper yet broken item. if you're a drow ranger you just spend 1400 gold for shard to make them cry to bed(maybe that's a problem drow's shard has, but lets not talk about that)

currently heroes I buy bloodstone on+reason:

  1. most obvious one, Leshrac. amazing multitarget spells. the more you live the more they get hurt

  2. Razor, good shard and the ult heals too iirc. the more you live, the more they get hurt

  3. Viper, good passive applied to creeps/summons and enemy heroes. as well as aghs skill disarming phys carries to deal with bad/ok armour as a carry. overall great healing as all dmg done is magical and Q reduces magical res as well as E giving you magic res. so tanky and annoying, love it!

the more you live, the more you spit on them

now here's the less popular build that will be popular soon, mark my words!

  1. zeus bloodstone for the purpose of gaining your mana pool back. this is not bought early on, and the hp regen makes no sense as you die with a godly fart. zeus spams spells and even with 3k mana 40 regen or so you'll need more mana for a single fight

the more mana you have, the more dmg u do

  1. Necro: this hero does so much auro dmg and often buys a radiance to add to that. also has a nuking ult which can be used with bloodstone to immediately heal you whole healthpool. later on your mana wont be a problem at all, so the sole purpose of hp regen. I can't say 100% when the bloodstone should be bought, but i believe somewhere between zeus and viper. he can go radiance sange kaya shard into bloodstone unlike zeus that has items more important to get before that

Witch doctor! : just saw admiralbulldog play witchdoc mid with radiance shroud bloodstone. i believe this gets super op after the healing talent. actually fountain dived spect pudge nightstalker and lived.

I'm sure there are more heroes to play with bloodstone if you know some I'll add them to the post!

Comment suggestions:

Timbersaw aghs shard bloodstone(all of his abilities do pure damage. theyre considered spell which can still proc spell lifesteal and spell amplification can boost the damage. you only trigger bloodstone if youre low on health. this also helps if enemies counter you with mana burn)


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