Look into the Dark…

Hey all!

I saw a post on here over the weekend about how the reveal for EFT years back was very cryptic and ARG-like. It involved things like Cryptography, stenography, Ciphers, and all manner of spoopy-yet-intriguing puzzles. Those who managed to get through the puzzles first were privileged to the reveal.

This isn't the only time BSG has done something like that. A few patches back, (around or shortly after the release of labs, I believe?) they had a series of clues dropped about between the Main forum, subreddit, and various other social media. Strange videos, cryptic messages, etc. Those who followed the clues were blessed with a few EoD product codes.

Knowing Nikita and Co. I wouldn't put it past them to have some absurd, overly complex trail of breadcrumbs spread throughout the world of EFT that lead to some super deep piece of lore or fascinating Easter egg.

That being said, what else is there?

Now, I'll be the first to admit that this is possibly delving into tin-foil hat levels of conspiracy and absurd over analysis of minor details that may not mean anything at all. But hey, that's part of the fun.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few points of interest:

Along the North Western edge of shoreline, up against the cliff, there is a spot where you can make out the sound of a dog barking in the distance. To my knowledge, it is the only place where this sound effect can be heard.

Bork Bork!

At certain points on every map, you can find miscellaneous E's all by their lonesome. Forgotten terrain assets? Just clutter from broken signs? Or perhaps coordinates?

(Not my screen cap. Found it on google. lol. Also, Interchange is a bad example as these can be attributed to broken sale signs, but these letters can and have been found on other maps.)

The phrase 'Sorry Mario, but the princess is in another castle' can be found both in Customs and in Reserve. Obviously a nod to Mario (duh) but it might be worth noting that the original phrase is 'Thank you Mario! But our Princess is in another castle!' not to mention that there is a location on Reserve labeled with a castle-shaped chess piece.

(Yes, it's technically called the 'Rook' piece, but to a novice it looks like a simple castle.)

Also, the Marked Circles themselves have some related aspects, other than just being generally spooky. I can't recall who pointed it out or when, but I believe someone mentioned that there were repeating numerical patterns associated with the symbols painted on the floor in each location.

These are just a few things that I can recall.

Are these all unrelated and I'm barking up the crazy man tree? More than likely. Are there other clues and Easter Eggs and such hidden about the world that lead to a deeper conspiracy? Eh…maybe?

What else have y'all found that may-or-may-not be part of some overly complex and unnecessarily intricate ARG? Let me know!

..Now excuse me while I fashion my next tin-foil hat……

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/erhc5c/look_into_the_dark/

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