Has anyone considered we might end up thanking FDev for denying consoles any further updates?
So Elite Odyssey was a mess at launch, improved now, sure, but still a mess at launch and still far from perfect even now. Its perfectly possible that future updates coming to PC might also bring with them a plethora of irritating, immersion breaking faults, I mean yes, FDev are putting more focus on Elite but in the gaming industry live service games don’t exactly have a good track record for smooth update integration, there’s always someone somewhere complaining about frame rate drops or texture bugs, often something even worse
Too many cooks spoil the broth… or soup, aren’t soup and broth the same thing? whatever not important…
The point is too many updates could very well spoil the simplicity and quality of this game… do I wish I had space legs? Sure, but I like my space game, I like the way things are, and frankly I don’t really mind things staying that way if it means keeping the quality I’ve come to expect… every time I boot up my average ass console
Something to think about, console commanders
(Just to be clear, I’m not sitting here with my fingers crossed hoping things go wrong for PC players, you guys go have fun on those space legs )
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/te91b2/maybe_we_got_a_good_deal/