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Meta simps ARE NOT Chads

Been playing for a while and I noticed a decline in the population of true Chads in the game. Yet I am seeing more and more Meta simps that call themselves Chads…

Let me clarify what a Meta simp is: basically they are enslaved to the meta of the game, they are the one constantly min maxing every aspects of their loadout and crying when the meta shifts just a tiny bit towards another gear or playstyle.
Yeah you heard me right. they will change their ENTIRE playstyle, their entire weapons and worry about their armors and helmet just to stick to the META.
They are the one crying at the slightest change in the game.

"So what's wrong with that ?" You may ask…
Well, they arent true Chads. A chad adapt to the situation and stick to their SOUL. A Chad may love a particular weapon or a playstyle and stick to it just by pure love and respect for it.
Being a Chad isnt about the Gear guys, it's about the ENERGY.

Now go and make me proud, play that weapon you secretly love but cant bring yourself to play because it wont be "optimal" the truth is, in that game more than any other, practice makes perfect. Go play that Saiga 12 you love to much, practice with it and you will see just how scary and efficient the sheer human will can be.


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