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Mistlands may be manageable but I don’t want to

Walheim - five bosses

I don’t have fun in Mistlands.
I love the concept. I think the creatures and models etc are great. I love the dverger and making choices on who to keep alive, kiting mobs to them, making plans on how to clear them and just being happy to see a friendly face. I like seekers, which I thought I’d hate after trying a little in the test server. They are SO creepy. Gjall is a cool concept too, fearsome monster that patrols the skies. Ticks, I hate them but good design, I just hate them. The giant stones, the creepy vibes, giants lying around decaying, I really like all of these.
But it sucks to play in Mistlands imo. Before some of you pro players jump at me, I’m not saying it’s not doable. It is. I’ve upgraded everything, have extra resources etc.
But I disliked doing it.
I dislike not being able to see around. But also sometimes I can? No idea how it works.
I dislike weird stone intersections that make it hard for enemies to hit you and you to hit enemies even if it usually allows me to juke.
I dislike exploring because I can’t see shirt. So easy to miss skulls.
I dislike Gjall because depending on the mist and height they can appear from nowhere. It’s cool when it happens the first few times but not when I’m trying to explore the land. They are too common and too oppressive. Trolls, Abos, golems can be oppressive too but you can avoid them if careful. Gjall can be really hard to avoid since they patrol, unseen half the time. Not to mention they can wreck bases from above.
I dislike the perma mist because it’s hard to enjoy buildings and the view. Also torches sometimes don’t dispel mist above?
I dislike the combo of mists and terrain not only because jump spam isn’t fun but also because corpse runs suck.

Again. Doable. But not great.

I wish there was something like a wisp bonfire that needs to be fed wisps/sap but dispels mist in a nice area and in the sky. Or maybe a way to scan for -nearby- skulls. Maybe arrows that dispel mist for a couple seconds in their trajectory. Wispflares that dispel mist in the area it lands for a short time. Maybe an ability to pay dverger to make them follow you for a little while. Breaking one from group can be more costly or not work at all. Maybe bringing one to community nets you a reward or cheaper hires.

I can’t wait for ashlands tbh. Hopefully we won’t need resources here for future biomes


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