My Bias on Vampire Deck is Lifted

witcher gwent cards

Apparently, vampire deck can be fun to play and hard to counter. Considering this…

If Vampire is not disrupted, they can easily overwhelm with an engine that is hard to counter. The opponent that I matched against is using the Meditating mage spam which may seem overwhelming, but surprisingly I dominated instead. I won in R1 using auto vampire above, but in R2 I mammunad (?) a Griffin just to further decrease my enemy deck. Surprisingly, instead of just passing he just spam spawns the mages and causes resilience (I guess for the sake of dominating in R3) though I felt that is a waste. In R3, I simply let Fleder and Garkain be bleeding engines. Still becoming a pointslam due to he has to pass early… my slow finger forgets to ss it.

I have been playing Wild Hunt Devo that I looked down on vampires (due to how WH can counter Vampy easily). But using Vampire against a deck that beat my WH? They are utterly fun. Still can't win against NG soldier but what am I complaining about?

Here are my deck if you wonder:


Edit: Another prime example of when griffin works


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