I mean yes everyones talking about razor but. What about this broken piece of sh*t hero?
2nd top winrate. And the nerf she got is inconsequential.
She literally has kit for almost every situation. She has aoe silence which also acts as a defense. 70% slow/heal reduction with shard, Giga armor piercing, evasion piercing ult. And one of the longest starting range hero.
Most importantly her ult is an aura. I mean why is it an aura?? Literally enemy support has casual 30 armor.
And this drow+ (any other ranged agi pos 2 such as sniper/sf) + tanky 3 like tidehunter combo is disgusting i mean its not guarenteed win but playing against it with blind picks is pain in the a**
What makes this hero so annoying is u need dispel+gap close(another gap close bcs she will pike you)+detection(silver edge)and u have to succesfully get past enemy defenses to do so.
Also u have to have enough dmg even if u successfully did those things or else their ranged heroes have giga armor/attackspeed. And she literally 4shot ur pos1
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/zg8q5a/nerf_drow_specifically_her_ult/