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New player( 2 weeks) but already bored.. what am I doing wrong

gerald witcher3 gwent

I started couple of weeks back and I already cannot play more than 3 games. I have played Artifact and Legends of Runeterra before and I always had the urge to play one more game (yes, even Artifact).

Below are some reasons I think do let me know your thoughts and where I am wrong:

1) As a beginner I find the text on cards too lengthy and overwhelming.. I liked LoR text very user friendly or may be I will get used to it over time

2) The visual and sound effects of spell and abilities all kind of look the same and not very appealing. LoR has very different sound and visual(color) effects for spell and effects. Hence, I always have to go to the graveyard and see what card my opponent played and read the text if necessary. (I am not talking about card art here, I love it and it is because of card art I wanted to try this game)

3) As it is a passing game and not a tower defense/attack game, there is not much strategy here? (I could be completely wrong about this one as I am still new) Also, not being a tower defense game we don't see comeback games like from 1hp tower and winning? Hence, not very fun?

4) The last reason and I really hope this is one. I mostly played monsters till now and I reached rank 19. I kind of know what the other decks do and still don't find the urge to play more. I do want to try some interesting factions like SK, NG and SY but I don't have good cards or scraps to build the decks.

So, what do you guys think?

If 4th point is the reason I am not enjoying the so much I will try playing with starter decks and slowly refine the decks. It will take some time though to complete a deck.


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