Not being able to buy at least the crappiest Ammo and Mags for many guns is the #1 thing that holds me off from giving this game another shot.

Context, i played this game for thousands of hours with a friend. I stopped playing almost entirely last year, took a few looks but didnt really start again.

I absolutely despise the entire design of the early game: Always the same quests, always rushing the same objectives early, always the same guns because, and that is my main issue: Even if you find a cool gun early, like an AS VAL, you cant fcking use it, because even the 10!! round Mags are sold only at Prapor LL2. And this is true for a LOT of guns, like i found a 5-7. A fucking PISTOL (yes, a strong ammo) – and the pistol mag is gated behind PK2. Same for the USP, which doesnt even have a great ammo??

The list goes on but TLDR i really hope they move away from it and introduce the vast majority of "shit" ammo/mags at LL1. Its not like it will break the early game, far from it. It will make it so much more interesting, because nothing is lamer than finding a cool shiny gun, and having it sit in your stash for days because you are hard locked from actually using it.

Edit: A lot of people here cant read and think theyre smart saying things like "just use gun/ammo xy instead and get good"


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