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People stalling game on purpose when they are losing..

witcher gwent cards

So, I'm rank 4 and been playing for a few weeks and sometimes I run in to people that are obviously stalling the game when they know they are losing.
For example one dude put his card down just before time ran out for him… Every single time for the whole game… That game must have lasted for 30min or something…
I had a bunch of players that when they see they will lose just go afk instead of resigning.
I had a game where i passed because I was like 30-40 points ahead in the first round. He tried to win the round by destroying a unit but it didn't work so he had to sacrifice another card to win the round. So when he saw his plan didn't work he didn't push 'end turn' button and just let the timer run out but because I passed the round the turn went straight back to him but there was no timer for some reason so I was just staring at a screen for 10min to eventually resign because I was sick of it.

Playing against nilfgard is torture enough, even if I win I feel "violated". And if people start doing this on top of that I just makes me want to quit the game.

Why is there no report option or something? Are other people also encountering this?

And to the people doing this, you guys are pure cancer. Everyone is trying to get to rank 3, suck it up and learn to handle a loss.

I had to ventilate my frustration here.


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