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Pro ladder is boring!

gerald witcher3 gwent

I don't know how many people share the sentiment that I have.

I play on the pro Rank for a year now.. sometimes I make meme decks but mostly I try to build competitive decks.

I have noticed that 90% of the people that I play against are just copying and playing a "meta" deck and on many occasions they don't even understand the deck or what purpose should every card serve.

Now of course if you want to play competitive you need to take a look at popular decks in order for you to understand the cards and your build will have to include some powerful cards that are in meta.

My questions is though, what do you enjoy about the game if you just take someone else's deck and play it over and over and how do you expect to be better at the game if you don't experiment and make mistakes and alter your decks every now and then?

What is the percent of players that actually try and build something home brewed?


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