I've been playing a lot of WC3 within the last few years, just regular competitive games, and I have a question for all the dota veterans here.
Did the DotA game mode come into existence out of the desire for convenience?
More specifically: Getting a character leveled in WC3 can be pretty tedious, let alone 2, and it takes a large amount of game knowledge and experience to do it efficiently to have a fighting chance/be on par with other equally skiled players. Sometimes you may have to detour to go to the tavern to get a frozen throne hero. Getting more gold means more expanding, and that means more defenses, so on and so forth. However, I think it can be agreed that the best part of WC3 is finally figuring your enemy.
I have to imagine, then, did dota start because of this? As in, did veteran players eventually just get sick of that, and wanted to skip straight to the fighting?
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/10578kw/question_about_dota_out_of_convenience/