Okay so I have played Tarkov for like 3 wipes, and I got on just the other day late into this wipe and decided to play. I was pumped to get to level 15 and at least mod my gun a bit and throw on some BP and try to score some kills, but instead there are like no BP, BS, M855A1, M61, etc being sold. Is this like a “you can’t sell this” change, or “it costs too much to sell this” change? Either way, I understand the intention to try and solve the problem everyone has with the game where “Chads” will have top gear and bullets in a matter of days because of the flea. But the reason good players can do that is because they are good and play a lot, and in this new system if you can play a lot and are good it ends up the same way, albeit maybe delaying end game builds slightly. Whereas it seems like people who work a job or go to college or whatever and can only play a couple hours at night are still being punished by this change? I understand I’m very late into wipe and maybe I would’ve accumulated good bullets by now, but the fun of Tarkov for me before was to scav and do quests to get money until flea, then blow it all on kits and PVP, and I just accepted the fact that chads were gonna chad and I would get fucked sometimes. Now I’ve got to grind quests for weeks just to have the opportunity to buy decent gear and have a chance? Idk I would love for someone to tell me why this opinion is shit, but as of now seeing the market changes makes me not wanna play the game.

Posted on CategoriesDiscussion, Escape from Tarkov
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