Quickest way to get from Sidewinder & 1000cr to be able to get xmas rewards

Just to start off here. This isn't for me. it's for my son who just got ED on the xbox this crimbo.

He's only young and I figure that getting these xmas rewards will give his ED career a good boost without having to grind for months on end. Hoping it will keep his interest if he has a better ship to begin with and a bit of money to play with.

What would you say is the quickest way to go from a Sidey with 1000cr to a ship capable of holding a DSS and SRV? I guess I'm going to have to help him grind at least this first bit and only have a few days left.

The DSS is 250,000cr alone and I guess you could fit it to the Sidey along with an SRV bay and not even worry about a newer/bigger ship. Jump range or fuel might be an issue to get to the places.

It's been so long since I started (back in 2014) that I can't remember what it's like to be this skint in the game.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/rpoq9b/quickest_way_to_get_from_sidewinder_1000cr_to_be/

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