Realistic Weight Limit might lower your Hype because you can’t loot big chonkers

Weight limit = loot limit = amount of stuff you can carry back to base after a mad play is reduced from potentially 15 mil + down to just 1 mil roubles.

So, with the loss of hype and adrenaline from getting a few juicers, the stakes are basically a poker game but everyone just bets a few dimes.

I certainly feel empty even when I drop a chonker chad. It's like hitting a pinata but you only get to keep the tic tacs. You might barely fit the meta attachments but you can't carry any more armor, helmets, mags, guns, or lose the backpack full of dense loot.

I frequently find myself dropping my insured gear to get a chance of even looting – or being forced to choose between a slight upgrade in gear where before I could keep both. Or leaving car batteries behind because I become a static emplacement.

Should we bring back bag and rig stacking like the good old days of getting 9 kills of loot on labs?


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