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Reason #400 why I play in open.

Edit: please don't hate on anyone who enjoys solo, that was not the intention of this post whatsoever. If you enjoy solo, awesome. If not, it sucks I can't see you ingame but I'm glad you're enjoying yourself nevertheless.

So last night was my first true evening back in the bubble, I've been living in colonia and exploring the surrounding area for the past few months.

I've done one or two CG runs since this whole Colonia bridge thing started and I figured that a night of trucking in my T9 the "Greased Doorstop" sounded pretty good. I did all my preflight checks, took off from OHM City in LHS 20 and made my flight to Judson Station in Mizar. Its about a 130,000ls trip to Judson, so I may have opened up the secret onion head compartment I have hidden on my ship. I flew in, picked up around 760Tons of Auto-Fabricators and then set my ships computer to target Alcor. What's the worst that can happen during a CG in open? 8T, that's it.. Let me tell you that doing CG runs in VR in a bigass mostly stock T9 with AC/DC blaring from the ships speakers as I avoid interdictions, out maneuvering FDLs as I get pulled into normal space. Hell the one time a keelback managed to get some cargo was from a limpits controller and my poor reaction speed to jumping out.

Dont just stay in solo or group(if you haven't tried open before). You're missing what half the game is about. I managed to do 5 runs last night. What would normally take me like 20 mins any other night with any other commodity, took me hours of skilled piloting and quick thinking against other irl CMDRs. At any moment I could have been destroyed. That was awesome.

And at the end of it most of us all found ourselves in Macdonald Settlement hanging out, waving and pointing at each other. All and all, tis'was a good night.


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