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Reasons why the first week of a wipe is fun vs “end game”

It’s generally understood that the beginning of the wipe is always some of the most fun in Tarkov. Toward the end of the wipe people tend to get bored of “the meta” and there are some valid reasons for that but why is a fresh wipe so fun?

If you were to list some of the reasons it’s usually because everyone is using a variety of guns and ammo and scrounging up whatever they can find to wear or use. The quests give you something to do again and you are not running into the same meta loadouts time and time again.

But, here is the real reason in my opinion why everyone feels a fresh wipe is the most fun:

The fights feel more dynamic and tactical DURING the fight. What I mean by this is that in some cases (not all) due to the fact that people are using bad ammo and high recoil guns, once the fight starts there is time to react and reposition and have a more tactical fight.

Tarkov suffers from fights being over too quickly at end game (even now with only being a week in) the tactical gameplay in Tarkov happens before the fight and rarely during the fight. And I think this should be seriously looked at. I am not advocating for being able to walk around like a tank but I’d rather see positive changes that work toward one goal: making fights last longer than 2-3 bullets (if they aren’t headshots)

There is something special about long drawn out fights where you can take a few hits, reposition, flank, return fire and rinse and repeat to get a kill. Where as right now IN GENERAL, Tarkov fights are over the moment two players see each other.

I don’t know what the solution should be but I know that the reasons for it are a mixed concoction of how recoil works in the game and how armor and ballistics work. Laser beams with high pen ammo make for stale gameplay that leave very little tactical gameplay DURING a fight and only leave the tactical plays coming before the fight begins.


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