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Returning players perspective

So, back-story: I quit Tarkov about 19 months ago. I loved it then, but got busy with life, etc. I never picked it back up, but with all the drop hype I felt a little nostalgia and logged back in.

Holy shit! For those who have played every day for a while you may or may not have noticed the progress this game has made in the last 18 or so months.

I can’t remember what patch it was but here are some major things that come to mind-
-No flea, no hideout, no labs, obviously no resort. Rashala was the only scav boss.
-Loading into a raid with your gear in your bags because armor/helmets/face shields were “bugged”.
-Loot commonly fell through the ground when dropped.
-Stutters were extremely common, 3-5x more common then I experience today
-It was impossible to differentiate where sounds were coming from between different floors, especially on interchange.
-Scav AI was a joke. You could cheese it at all times.
-Dozens of different armor, weapons and QoL changes have been added
-Countless bugs have been removed/fixed

My point is, and all complaining and ranting aside, the amount of work that BSG has done in this time period is incredible. Obviously EFT is still a work in progress, but things are MUCH better.

Ive slept like 5 hours a night since I started playing again and I 100% have once again caught the bug. Cheers to the Dev team and I’ll see all you sweatys in a raid.


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