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Sniping in Customs just feel so bs now

I want to preface this rant/discussion with the following: I'm in my own opinion a decent player with 58% survival rate with 363 raids and play mostly Customs. I play slow, love sniping and searching for new sniping spots, but I'm imo also decent(ish) in cqb.

Or so I thought at least. Today I've just been getting rekt all the time. I haven't survived a single (pmc or scav) raid out of the 12 or so I've done today (though some scav ones were because I didn't think bosses would aggro me). I've been in exactly 1 firefight vs player. All others I just get onetapped or don't see the enemy at all.

Like where were all these god-gamers hiding before. Like not even start of the wipe feels this depressing. It just feels like everyone just suddenly became 10x better overnight and now know each and every spot I can be.

Maybe I just need to stop even trying to snipe for now, swap my playstyle and actually touch the rest of my weapons collection, but regardless this just feels odd. Or maybe I'll just go and study other maps (run away because I can't adapt).

TLDR: Random guy complains about good players playing Customs again to vent his frustration.


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